According to PC Mag reports, this update makes the iPhone battery more extravagant than before. In a discussion forum, users of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 5s to say their mobile phone battery can not last for a full day. While other reports said, their iPhone battery can only last about 30 to 50 percent ahead of the afternoon.
Some iPhone users are disappointed with the performance of iOS 10.1.1 prefer to go back to the old version of the operating system. However, it is not much help.
Quoting Mashable, a user named Jims even said beta program still does not a significant influence. Although already downgrade and adopt iOS 10.1 version. Cell phone batteries, it can only last a maximum of three hours.
Some users claimed to have found a solution to this problem, namely by turning off features Raise to Wake. However, some say this solution helps, but some are reported to have no effect.
Last year Apple was complained by the application developers who have been so loyal to use Apple products for a long time about the declining quality of software made by them.
If the first iOS and MacOS well-known as software that is stable and reliable, these days it is no longer because of the release of the latest updates are often filled with bugs, and end up making the user gets a new problem for everyday use the iPhone.
The most recent case back to the example that you should need to make the most brand update is stable and need to be downloaded, or even hinder your daily activities. Some users reported that by downloading the 10.1.1 for update iOS, they iPhone suddenly die for no reason every time the batteries stay what percentage.
The first complaint relates that his iPhone sudden death when the battery is still 30%, and this post directly invaded by other users who experience an unpleasant incident similar. Similar complaints are also popping up on Twitter, where hundreds of iPhone users complained that they were very wasteful and sudden death in a random percentage amount.
This issue looks similar to the symptoms that attacked users of the iPhone 6s last week. The difference is, Apple immediately announced that they are ready to provide a replacement battery free of charge to users who found the problem. Now notice that the post-update similar symptoms also attacked other models, whether Apple will also impose a similar policy.
So far, the easiest solution is to turn off the feature Raise Wake attendance for the latest model iPhone, although this is only sufficient for a few users.
Currently, Apple reportedly has heard this complaint and promised to release a 10.2 update to resolve battery issues quickly drop. Unfortunately, not known for sure when the final version will disseminated IOS 10.2.
So far the Cupertino-based company, the United States is known to have been involved developers in trying out iOS 10.2 Beta 4. It is probable that this last beta version will soon release to the public
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