How Charge your iPAD PRO Quickly with APPLE 29W Charger

Did you know that iPad Pro can be fast charged in half the time of standard? See how you charge your iPad Pro quickly. If you have a large iPad Pro, you know that it takes a long time to charge it. It takes about 5 hours to leave it up from 0% to 100%, if not to use it simultaneously. Much longer if you use it while charging.

It need not be. The large iPad Pro has namely built-in option for a quick charge. With the right equipment, you can halve the charging time will thus come down to about 2.5 hours for a full charge. It is a very significant difference. Do you use your iPad Pro much on the go, it is probably important that it always has as much power as possible, and to let time is as short as possible, so you are sure not suddenly to run out of power. Here comes fast charging iPad into the picture.

It's not that complicated or mysterious. Tipped virtually identical to how I have described earlier that one can quickly let his iPhone using an iPad charger. It's all about using a charger that can deliver more power than the one included with the device when you buy it.

How Charge your iPAD PRO Quickly with APPLE 29W Charger

In case iPad Pro, the supplied charger maximum supply 12W. If you use it to take a full charge, as mentioned about five hours. But Apple has a charger with even greater effect in the range - and iPad PRO is designed to exploit this.

Use Apple 29W charger

The trick is to use Apple 29W charger, for example comes with Apple's 12-inch MacBook, but can also be purchased separately. Since it is a USB-C charger, you also have a cable with Lightning connector on one end and a USB-C connector instead of the regular USB connector on the other end. Once you have those two things, it's just to go ahead with the fast charging your iPad Pro.

The difference between 12W and 29W

My test shows that you are a 29W charger can charge the iPad Pro up from 0-80% of 1.5 hours and from 0-100% in 2.5 hours. With the included 12W charger takes 0-80% 3.5 hours and 0-100% 5 hours. If you use the iPad while charging the difference is even greater. 29W-opladre has namely so much profit that it can charge your iPad at full speed even when using power at the same time. It can 12W charger not, so we will use the iPad in a while recharging time increase significantly.

The difference between the two chargers is so significant that I will not hesitate to recommend to anyone with a great iPad Pro, to acquire equipment immediately. It's not just small differences, but more than half of the charging time that is. You could argue that Apple should include the significant charge with iPad Pro, instead of the little, now that it has such a significant impact, and provides a more pro experience. But until that happens, you can buy it necessary at Apple.

The iPad is not damaged

The iPad is not damaged by being charged with a charger that has a higher power. A unit never has more power than it is designed to draw. Apple says even that big iPad Pro can be charged with 29W charger, and it can just as well use a double as fast charging.
Tag : Apple, Ipad
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