Process and the role of the TSS itself is like this: If you downgrade via iTunes and run the TSS Server, TSS Server will transfer iTunes to "think" you're doing an update to the latest iOS. And strengthened security by adding APTicket, which makes the downgraders increasingly distraught.
For a little help, Jay Freeman (@ saurik) as the creator of Cydia TSS Center finally added feature, that allows you to save SHSH Blobs on iOS 6.1.3. Tutorial storage are as follows :
New Cydia Feature: TSS Center
1. Open Cydia
2. Scroll down a bit, and then select the menu TSS Center (SHSH & APTicket)
If so, then at the top of the menu will pop up additional TSS Center 6.1.3 SHSH Blobs saved. For the latest devices such as the iPhone 5 and iPod touch 5th gen, it says SHSH Blobs 6.1.3 only.
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