The next-generation iPhone, expected to be named the iPhone 6s and 6s iPhone Plus, supported by new hardware including faster processors, added more RAM, improved quality camera and force touch technology. The new iPhone will likely use the same screen size as the existing model, which is 4.7 "and 5.5".
In the same report, BuzzFeed also mention if Apple will debut a new product Apple TV with Siri voice control feature enhancements, at the launch of the new iPhone. Even so, it should be noted that the BuzzFeed previously been claimed that the latest edition of Apple TV will be released in June earlier this year. But it turns out the rumor is not true.
Earlier this year, a report from the Wall Street Journal and the leading media New York Times stated that the subscription service Apple TV will be available in September this year. It could be said to be almost the same as the recently published report from BuzzFeed. However, this is mostly a rumor. Indeed, the possibility of early to mid-September, the event to introduce the next generation iPhone is quite high predicted would happen.
Apple also typically will release the final version of their latest operating system, along with the new generation iPhone hardware, this could indicate if the IOS 9, OS X El Capitan 10:11, and WatchOS 2 will be launched to the public around September 9 or Previously, Apple has stated the new trio of OS will be available in fall 2015. each operating system will be available and can be downloaded for free for compatible devices.
iPhone 6s and 6s plus iPhone, rumored to be present with the latest technology features such as touch force, which will add a new dimension for display of new iPhone. also certain to use a faster A9 chip, 2GB RAM, 12 megapixel ini rear, and 5-megapixel front camera for FaceTime and selfie.
Apple may also use the 7000 Series aluminum for body of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s. to further strengthen the new iPhone's body that are not easily bent, as happened in the previous generation iPhone. As for the new products Apple TV, will use feature A8 chip processor, Siri, as well as support for the App Store and a new remote with a touch screen.
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